Porter's Story

In October 2011, Seth and I learned that our unborn son, Porter has a condition called Trisomy 13 or Pateu's Syndrome which is not compatible with life. We chose to let God decide when Porter's life will end. These are the lessons we've learned from our Heavenly Father through the life of Porter Gray.
Isaiah 46:4

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Calling All Prayers!

30 Week Update~ Porter will be here before we know it!

We met with our OB this week. Well, not OUR OB.

I should clarify, our precious OB physician who has mourned with us through all of our losses, celebrated the arrival of Campbell, and now loving us through carrying Porter,  is sick. Please remember her in your prayers. Go on your knees before the Lord and ask for healing for her. She has a genuine heart and compassion for her patients that is rare and lovely. Pray for strength, encouragement, and for the touch of our Great Physician's hands.

So now we are really trying to establish who will be the one to deliver Porter (if we have a scheduled c-section and don't go into spontaneous labor first). We want this person to care about us as a family, Seth, Jeannie, Cam and Porter. That our decision to carry Porter and our hearts and wishes will be meaningful to them as it was with our primary doctor. Please pray that the right person delivers Porter.

We discussed delivery as early as end of March or first of April. We'll schedule the surgery in the next 6 weeks which means we'll be meeting Porter before we know it. I feel such a finality in that. Not that the journey is over, but that very soon the unknown will be known. We will meet our son and know the unknown. All of a sudden, it is time to make sure we are as ready as possible. This means thinking about things that are hard to talk about.

I know anxiety and sorrow will mount in the weeks to come. The roller coaster will become more unpredictable. I know God will carry us through, but I would be lying if I didn't tell you I am afraid of the pain and sorrow to come. I'm not afraid to meet Porter, I rejoice at the thought of that. But I am very afraid of the depth of the pain I will feel when I have to say goodbye to him in this life. It is unnatural. It is okay for me to feel this and to be afraid and to confess this to the One who gives me hope and a future.

My tears flow as a write, but they are healthy and normal tears of any mother anticipating the loss of a baby she longs to hold and comfort and watch grow.

Prayers for the Peabody's
~Indescribable and unexplainable peace in the weeks to come
~Time with Porter in our arms
~Our doctor whom we love experiencing illness
~The doctor who will deliver Porter
~That we will be comforted and everything that needs to happen will fall into place
~This may sound crazy, but also that the right music will be selected for Porter's memorial. There are so many wonderful songs to communicate the love of God and the life of a child like Porter I can't seem to narrow them down! Music is healing and meaningful for so many, I just want the right ones.

Love Jeannie


  1. You are such a picture of grace, your transparency is so real and your faith is obviously very strong. Porter is so lucky to have the parents God has chosen especially for him. Praying for you daily....love you.

  2. Dear Jeannie,

    I am so thankful that we serve a God who is not surprised by any of this news! But instead, a God who has prepared you for this very time, surrounded you with people who love you, and hand-selected the perfect doctor and nursing staff to deliver this special little boy.

    A Prayer for Porter (Psalm 139):

    13 For you created Porter's inmost being;
    you knit him together in his mother’s womb.
    14 I praise you because Porter is fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
    15 Porter's frame was not hidden from you
    when he was made in the secret place,
    when he was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    16 Your eyes saw Porter's unformed body;
    all the days ordained for him were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
    17 How precious to me are your thoughts about Porter, God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
    18 Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when he awakens, he is still with you.

    Love and prayers for you, Seth, Cam, and Porter!

  3. I am praying daily for you, Jeannie. You are such a special mother. Sending many hugs your way.

  4. God is so good, and He is with you on this journey with Porter. The road ahead of you is scary and unknown, but it is not unknown to God. He is going to give you strength for each day. He will draw your heart closer to his than ever before if you let him. I am thankful for your faith. Facing something like this without Jesus would truly be unbearable. I'm praying for your family.

  5. Jeannie - We are praying for you and your family. Thank you for this blog and your specific requests. It helps as we enter the throne room of God with you in our hearts, not knowing how to pray, but with great confidence in who God is and his great love for you. May you and your family sense that love and strength today and in the days ahead. Please keep writing. Love, Laura

  6. it does not sound silly at all.....a wonderful song you might enjoy is by Mandisa off her album Freedom...it is the last song number 11 called
    You Wouldn't Cry (andrews song) the scripture references Mandisa put for this song are 1 Corinthians 13:12 and 1 Thessalonains 4:13-18. It is a beautiful song that talks about the beauty of heaven, i think you will find much comfort in it! God Bless you on this journey!! Love, Rachel
