Porter's Story

In October 2011, Seth and I learned that our unborn son, Porter has a condition called Trisomy 13 or Pateu's Syndrome which is not compatible with life. We chose to let God decide when Porter's life will end. These are the lessons we've learned from our Heavenly Father through the life of Porter Gray.
Isaiah 46:4

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Porter Gray Peabody

This is Kristin, Seth and Jeannie's best friend, sending out a quick update. 

Yesterday at 3:11pm, Porter Gray Peabody was born, 4lbs 6oz, 16 3/4" long. Jeannie and Seth held, kissed and loved on Porter until he left this earth at 3:49pm. The doctor reported that the cord was wrapped around Porter's neck twice, which could have ended his life before birth. Jeannie and Seth are so thankful that they decided to deliver today and that every prayer has been answered. Please continue to pray for Jeannie's recovery and for the difficult days to come. 


  1. I'm so thankful you were able to love on Porter, but I know it wasn't long enough. I'm praying for your family.

    1. You know all to well Melissa. Praying for the Peabody family, I am so very sorry.

  2. Prayers of comfort being said for you both. May the Lord heal you and may the love of others surround you as you face the coming days. God bless. Alpharetta

  3. I am praying for you today.
    Lord, please surround this family with your peace today. Please surround them with your comfort and HOPE. Help them to feel your presence in the moments that they will begin to question and doubt. Help them to hold fast to your promises of meeting Porter again in eternity. Lord, we cannot understand you, your plans your paths or your ways, but we must trust that you know more than we do and will give us the answers one day in Heaven. I ask that you hold this family close. Surround them with hands, feet, and ears to help, listen, and hold them. Help them feel your presence through the arms of others. Help them see your face in the face of strangers. Help them see your works being played out JUST when they need it. Lord, help them know Porter is a gift to us all. Just to now the trust and faith placed in you and the understanding of your promises.
    We are grateful and blessed by you even in the grieving.

  4. We are praying for your family and trusting that the Lord will carry you through this time. We know that the Lord has received increased glory because of baby Porter. -the Cash family

  5. Praying you will feel the arms of Jesus wrapping around you during this time -

  6. Dear Lord, thank you for bringing a blessing in the midst of this very difficult trial and letting these sweet parents love and hold on your sweet child.
    You all are covered in prayer. Please let us know what we can do to serve you all in anyway possible.

  7. Dear Peabody family,
    We don't know each other personally but have mutual friends on Facebook which is where I learned of your story. I am truly amazed at your faith and very saddened to hear of your great, deep loss. I've been praying for you since I heard of your journey. I wish there was more I could say, but I hope in some way, you are feeling God's grace and peace. Much love to you all.

  8. Dear Peabody family,

    I too dont know you personally but have mutal friends on FB as well and read of your story. I am sure there are no words to say to provide you the comfort you need. I do want to let you know that your faith is amazing and has been a blessing to so many. I pray for your peace and your healing in the days to come. I am so grateful that you were able to hold your son and love on him-- until you all meet again. My God continue to provide you with peace and comfort and be your strength. Blessings!! Mandy

  9. God be with you and bless your precious family during this time. May He fill you with peace.

    1. Thank you, Jill. I love your blog! We want to and are called to SHINE aren't we?

  10. praising God that you had time with him, but I know too well it wasn't long enough. Praying for peace, understanding and strength for you. Take it easy and be gentle on yourself these next few weeks. I will be lifting you up in prayer!!!

  11. Dear Peabody Family,
    Jeannie you don't know me, but I went to elementary and high school with Seth. I learned of your story through mutual friends on FB. I'm really sorry for your loss and pray that you may find peace and strength in our Lord. You are an inspiration to all. Baby Porter is smiling down from Heaven. Know that he is protected and safe in our Lord's hands. Lots of hugs and prayers!!!!

  12. Dear Peabodys,
    Maria and I send our heartfelt prayers to you and your family. We are praying for you and are glad that you got to spend some very precious minutes with Porter and I know he is smiling up in heaven and proud to call you his family. God bless.

  13. Dear Jeannie, Seth, and Campbell (and your extended family and all of your friends, both online and off..)
    I came across the link to your blog through a Facebook friend's site and I wanted to send a note to tell you that you are all in my loving thoughts and prayers. March 2nd is the birthday of our second son, Avery John. He turned 14 this year. I already knew that 3/2 was a special birthday and your story with Porter just confirms this. I am SO, SO happy to know that you had those precious 38 minutes with your baby boy... I will be praying for peace, comfort, and serenity for all of you as you work through this time of grief and sadness. Porter is obviously a Very Special Angel... Our family has several angels as well... loved ones we would love to still have here with us on earth, who we feel left us too soon. And others who lived long, full lives who we still love dearly and miss all the time.
    May Peace, Joy, and Love surround each of you...
    From Rachel in California
